8 killer application boosters

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Right, now we've got the basics covered. Onto the fun stuff. Every single applicant will be sending the recruiter a CV and Cover Letter, no matter how great yours is, you will blend into the crowd to some degree. How can you stand out? Here are 10 ideas to take your initial application to the next level.

1. Have a personal website

Reference our "Making a personal website" guide for information on how to do this.

2. Make a bespoke site for the companies you apply for

This was what I did for each of the roles I applied for and it REALLY set me apart. I had one company telling me that my website had been shared by the recruiter around the rest of the business, and that I was the one to watch out of 200 applicants simply by doing this.

Follow the steps in the above point (in the following article) but I would recommend learning to code to be able to do this in good time. If you do each site manually over and over, it will take up too much time from your placement process. You need to learn how to make a base and then edit it to the needs of the company.

What if they already have a website?

They all do. That isn't why you're doing this. You're doing this to make an effort and stand out. Put a spin on it. For one company, I redesigned their website for as if they were "An abrasive Silicon Valley startup.", a brand image that was completely different to their existing one, and they loved it. Chucked a few jokes in, brill, straight to interview.

Here is an example site that I made during my application process. Yes, I followed through and secured an offer from the company. You can view the image or visit the site here: https://judecornish-topsoil.netlify.app/

3. Design some artwork

Even if you're not too great at art, learn how to do some decent digital work and you can design the company something to go along your application. Even if its just one piece, you'll stand out more than someone with nothing.

Here are some ideas for things to design:

  • A new logo
  • A social media post
  • A series of social media posts
  • A twitter post
  • A twitter banner
  • A mascot
  • The list goes on....

4. Fix a problem

Even the best company in the world has issues that need resolving and questions that need answering. Look for problems that the company may be experiencing and come up with a report and solution to those problems.

5. Conduct a report on the industry

This will take some serious time but if you're desperate for that role, show it. Conduct a research report on the industry that the company operates in and where it is going in the next 5 years. Analyse the company's position for these changes and what you think they could do to improve.

Statista is a great source for information when doing this.

Attach it as a PDF and be on your way, wow them with your work ethic.

6. Go to one of their locations

Yes, actually get up and go. Very very few students will actually do this. If it is a company with physical locations, such as an automotive company with partnering dealerships... Go... to... one... Go there and find a way to integrate that into your application.

Perhaps express what you found exciting and innovative about the process, and what you would improve. How would you improve that? How would you go about setting that motion in place? Why do you think that would be a change that would be appreciated by other consumers and not just you?

7. Make a Video

Record yourself stating why you would want the role and what makes you a good candidate. This can be a really great way to initiate a connection with the recruiter.

Make it entertaining. After spending an average of just 7.4s on CVs, the recruiter is going to want to be entertained within just as little time on your video that at the end of the day is just another task on their to do list.

Make it funny, do something daring. Learn how to effectively edit a video and add some overlays that show your name and the role you are applying for.

Address it directly to the recruiter.

Do something that will gather some attention but please, don't make it too long!

8. Contact the current placement student

This is different to the other tips as it won't really go along with your application but it can be just as influential to your chances.

The information you will get from a current placement student is invaluable. A job description and company website can only say so much. Getting in touch directly with someone in the team will give you a much better insight.

You can use this insight throughout your application, tailoring your CV and Cover Letter to deal with the problems that that student faces.

Ask him what he struggles with and wishes was different... then suggest a change that would remedy that. Make them think you're someone already in the team. That will really blow their socks off.

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Jude Cornish

PlacementGuru Founder

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