PlacementGuru Updates

Updates and improvements to PlacementGuru - feel free to make suggestions by getting in touch!

Follow us on Twitter for more updates.

Sep 25, 2021
Bug fix

V0.5 PlacementGuru goes social

We've set up all of our social media accounts, which you should be able to follow using the links in the footer of this page!

Any liking, sharing and following will really help us reach and help more students. So we would greatly appreciate that.

Don't forget, the more students we have in our community, the more ideas and bright minds we can bring together to succeed on an individual level!

Sep 16, 2021
Bug fix

V0.4 Geoff Roberts [Outseta - Founder] x Jude Cornish [PlacementGuru founder]

Just had a fantastic conversation with Geoff Roberts, the founder of Outseta. The original goal of the call was to understand how I, and PlacementGuru could get the most out of the Outseta platform, but it quickly developed into a wider discussion on start-ups and how to best understand PlacementGuru users.

Very grateful for the opportunity to learn from an expert!

Sep 11, 2021
Bug fix

V0.2 - Content is nearly there

The introductory PlacementGuru content is nearly there.

In the future - we will be amending and adding to this content with new ideas and even more up to date tips.

Stay tuned!

Sep 8, 2021
Bug fix

V0.3 - PlacementGuru x Outseta

We are integrating PlacementGuru with Outseta to power the majority of the functionality of the site - including how our members will subscribe.

All incredibly exciting activity.

Jul 16, 2021
Bug fix

V0.02 - PlacementGuru gets a revamp (before it's even launched)

PlacementGuru has been a project of mine for a good period of time now.

My skills in web design and development have greatly improved since conceiving the idea for the project - therefore, I have just undergone the process of a complete redevelopment of the PlacementGuru site. Now, I need to finish the content and get everything ready for the 2021 placement cohort, with the intentions of providing as much value as possible!

Apr 8, 2021
Bug fix

V0.1 - PlacementGuru is coming

PlacementGuru is coming...

Dec 14, 2020
Bug fix

V0.01 - PlacementGuru is born

It was in around December 2020 that I had the initial idea for PlacementGuru. A community driven platform looking to aid students through the testing placement process.

Here's to big things!