Video interviews

A common practice post-covid, learn how to ace them
2hr 54min


What is a Video interview?

A video interview can be conducted in a variety of different ways. It can of course, be a one on one interview over video between you and a single recruiter. Or, there could be more than one hiring manager on the call with you. Or, there could be none at all, in which case, you are to record your responses for later review. All forms of video interview can be nerveracking and a completely new experience for many, but with the right preparation you'll fly through this stage.

How do they work?

Live Video interviews

Live video interviews are generally conducted over Microsoft Teams. Companies like this format as they can send you a link to the meeting room long in advance, and most students already know how to use the platform. However, companies are certainly not limited to just Teams. We've seen platforms used such as:

  • Microsoft Teams
  • Google Hangouts
  • Zoom
  • Custom, Bespoke solutions

Don't worry if you haven't used any of these platforms before. A good recruiter will provide you with all of the information you need to have the same chance as anyone who has prior experience using them. However, it may be a good idea to familiarise yourself with the layout of a service prior to an interview.

Recorded Video interviews

On the other hand, we've seen a rise in companies opting to take recorded video interviews.

In this process, you will be sent a link to a platform that will provide you with various questions and the tools to record your answers via your browser. Don't worry, you won't need experience in video editing etc, they are very simple.

You response to each question will have a time limit that will automatically cut off should you exceed it. The majority of companies taking this approach will allow you 2-3 attempts on each question, should you trip over your words. Others have offered a total number of retries that can be used throughout the video interview on various questions.

Upon submitting your responses, they will be reviewed and you will be sent feedback / the next steps via email.

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