Pre Interview Checklist

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Here are some of our top tips for making sure you're as well prepared as possible for your video interview.

Test your technology

Prior to your video interview, preferably a few days before, test all of your tech. Ask a friend or a member of your university careers team to give you a call to test everything.

Try to do this in as close to identical conditions as you would have during the real thing.

You'll need to check your connection, microphone, camera, background, speakers and lighting.

Charge everything the night before!

If you're going to be doing the video interview from your laptop, make sure that it is charged!

If a pair of wireless headphones are doubling as your microphone, charge them!

Dress appropriately

Lights, camera, action, you're on show to the employer and how you dress will be one of their first impressions of you.

However, there is no one answer to this point. It is not as simple as "wear a nice suit".

You need to think contextually about the role you are applying for. If you are applying for a role in finance, or something that most would deem to be particularly formal and series, a suit is likely your best plan of action.

However, if you are applying to a role in design or fashion, you may want to be a little more creative with what you bring to the table.

To appear best on camera, avoid bright colours and patterns and opt for softer colours instead. If you are choosing to wear a tie, go for a solid colour rather than a patterned one. If you wear glasses, adjust the lighting to reduce glare upon them.

Whatever you choose, ensure you are comfortable, that you have ironed any clothes that need to be ironed and that you feel confident!

Remove distractions

Clear your workspace. Close all of your other windows. Only have open what is necessary and ensure that your phone is out of reach and out of sight.

You'll have to focus completely on the video interview for 10-60 minutes. So make it easy to do so.

Arrive early

Most video calling platforms have a waiting room function that will allow you to join before your interview officially starts.

Of course, if your interviewer/recruiter explicitly states that you should join the call on the dot of its start time, then do so. If not, it may be worthwhile joining just a few minutes early, to show that you've prepared and are ready to go.

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Jude Cornish

PlacementGuru Founder

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