Video interview starter pack

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Before we get into the do's and don'ts of video interviews in 2021, there's a few things you'll need. Of course, you can get away with a standard laptop with a working microphone, but you may want to invest in the following to appear more professional.


The first and most important aspect of a "video" interview, is infact your microphone.

The interviewer will be able to put up with a low quality, slightly dim or fuzzy webcam, but they will not put up with poor audio quality. At the least - they will be unimpressed.

If your audio cuts out or is crackly, you may want to consider investing into a microphone.


The second most important aspect, if your webcam.

First things first, turning up to a video interview with a webcam that is 'not working' or not having one at all is a major no. It is a video interview for a reason. The interviewer will be assessing how you interact and your body language - so it is absolutely necessary.

If your webcam is blurry or has any inconsistencies, it may also be worth looking to upgrade.

Fortunately, external webcams are becoming cheaper and cheaper and you should be able to find a "Plug and Play" 1080p webcam for less than £30.

If that is going to be the difference between impressing and not - it may be worthwhile!


Good lighting can make all the difference in a video interview, and make you stand out in an online assessment centre.

Consider investing in a cheap "Ring" or "O" light that will put the focus on you.


If you really want to go the extra mile, you may want to consider investing in a background sheet to prop behind you during the interview.

This is especially useful for those that have cluttered rooms with little clear wall space and will allow you to use a professional replacement background. Steer clear from offices, beaches and outdoor backgrounds, a simple room with a modern aesthetic will work wonders.

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Jude Cornish

PlacementGuru Founder

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