Preparing for an aptitude test

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Aptitude tests are less honesty and less luck. They are all about practice, practice and you guessed it, more practice.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Get used to being tested online

The test is very likely to be online so get used to working on a screen at a fast pace. You want all of your efforts and thinking time to go towards the questions themselves, not inputting them into the site.

Make use of online testing websites

There a large number of websites out there that offer practice aptitude tests, many of them are paid but, you can often hop between sites claiming the two or three free tests that they have on offer.

Complete as many as you can and log your progress. Remember, some may vary in difficulty, but if remove as many variables as possible, you should see your results improve with time.

For instance, do one of the free tests on one site at the start of the process. Log your score. Then, complete that same site's following test once you have got some more practice in.

Have the right equipment

Although the test will be answered online, you may want to do rough working and in many cases, will need a calculator.

Have this equipment out on the desk in front of you. We're talking pens, pencils, paper, calculators and perhaps a watch to keep track of time. However, the majority of the tests have a little timer somewhere on the screen for you.


Know what that stands for? I'll give you a hint...

Read the question. Read the ... question.

It is vital that you properly understand the questions you are answering. Make sure you understand the questions but also the prior instructions.

You need a strong grasp on how much time you have, how the site will work etc etc.

If you have time, double-check answers as well.


Following on from the last point, be aware of time. You've sat exams before, same deal.

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Jude Cornish

PlacementGuru Founder

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